The Intro Guy

G’day People,

If you read on, you’ll see why I’m rapidly becoming known as “The Intro Guy”.

We’re working very hard to put together all new interactive, intelligent, economical systems to introduce people to each other. We are working on systems to serve areas where people are having difficulty in finding contacts.

If you can think of an area where people need to form contacts within a broad interest group, hit the contact us tab on the left and drop me a line. I may be able to help.

As you can see, you’re dealing with a real person when you contact me. If you see a need for;

Individuals to contact Individuals,

Individuals to contact Groups,

Groups to contact Individuals,

Groups to contact Groups or

Any combination of the above

We can build the tools to make this happen. All you have to do is ask and I’ll see what we can do.

We already have systems built to assist people in meeting to do business by Joint Venture, to meet FREE where they have Health related issues in regard to dating, a Labour sharing Network and a FREE Meeting service for Grown Ups. Look at our services page for details.

The Joint Venture Business site was the need that drew me into this passion. People asking me about the possibilities led to the others to meet their needs.

I may be prepared to build a system to suit your requirements at no cost or if you want ownership of the system, at a negotiated fee. If you don’t ask, it may never happen.