This page is a directory of major and some minor events that have been a part of my life. I’m using this more for my own use as a Diary/Photo Album etc. I’m not really expecting anyone else to find these pages or be interested, but if you find this and want to look, that’s fine.
I’ll be putting together pages for each individual event or time frame. Some of these events may contain either mildly sensitive or privacy related info. Some of the pages will be Password protected. If you’d like to look at any of the Password protected pages, message me with a request.
The events will be in Chronological order to keep things simple.
Each Tile will be a separate page but that’ll take some time. The pages that are functional will be operational links.
Little Kid, up to WA trip.
Amberly Qld Nationals
Moomba Championships
Camperdown Vic Nationals
Scott’s beginnings
2009 Black Saturday Bush fires
Tassie Tour on Bikes