Black Saturday
Page still under construction
Didn’t have many photos of the place beforehand.

Adam on Bell

Wayne and Crystal
This is the trip back on the First day the roads were opened. We’d heard there wasn’t a lot left but until you see it for yourself, you hang on to every hope…………………………………………..
Who knows, maybe the tools in the lock up cabinets are still good???

Buxton South Service Station

The Road to Home

The whole Area
The Road to Home

Nicholls Rd into farm

Check Out the Acetylene Bottle!!!
The Barbie Still Works
The Barbie Still Works
Was the Garage
Was the Garage

Check out the Table? WTF???

Setting up the Camp
Yep, Pretty Much Cactus
Yep, Pretty Much Cactus
Dar’s House & the Shedding
Dar’s House & the Shedding

Dar’s House & the Shedding

This is the first real Milestone, The clean up well underway.